Composing with Soundscapes II

Date and Time

November 18, 2022
3:30 pm - 6:30 pm


Classroom 9
Soundwalking through Space, Time and Technologies

with Guest Artist, Jacek Smolicki

This hands-on workshop will begin with a soundwalk in the vicinity of the Music department. Using a range of microphones and detectors, through this walk you will get familiarized with various creative approaches to surrounding soundscapes. 

Following the walk, we will return to the classroom to discuss those techniques in more detail, through a presentation and dialog. We will practically explore how creative and critical approach to field recording can help articulate various, often untapped, imperceptible and complicated dimensions of places, histories, artifacts and subjects within our respective fields. 

Please bring: 

warm clothes, headphones (wired – a small number will be available), recording equipment (optional), a project / idea / or artifact that pertains to your currently pursued work (optional).